Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trusting In Him, Don't DO It Alone!!!

Typical resolutions for the New Year consist of the following to: 

1. Stop Smoking
2. Get into a Habit of being Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Enjoy Life More.
5. Quit Drinking
6. Organize Yourself
7. Learn Something New
8. Get out of Debt
9. Spend More Time With Family
10. Help People.

Well fortunately I do not smoke, I'm not overweight, I do enjoy life, I don't drink, I'm pretty organized, I learn something new daily (thank you, the only debt I have will come roughly six months after May 2011, I spend time with my family all the time and I Love to help people (sometimes having a hard time saying no!)

Well my only resolution for this year is to TRUST in God, not just for big decisions, not just the little things, but for everything! This resolution has already hit its bumpy road and I am going to make the assumption that Trusting in God is a continuous bumpy road, which my resolution the all more challenging! Yet there are constant reminders daily that remind me daily of much I really need my God! I have spent the majority of my Christmas break alone, in my home, with no one to hang out with and too boost my "depressed" state. Well, I thought I was alone, I should have known better that God was with me, and He was the one I needed to rely on, to comfort me, the one I should have spent time with! 

I don't know what makes me (or you, for that matter) realize what we had was always there, it never left, even when we feel at our lowest, feel hopelessly alone, like we're the only one hurting! Well imagine this, we have a God that cares for us so much, that when we hurt, He hurts, when our heart breaks, so does His! This reminds me of my "all-time favorite" poem, "Footprints" ... This poem should be a constant reminder that when you feel alone, desperate, depressed, heartbroken and hurt that your doing this alone. Your God is carrying you, feeling your pain, each and every step! 

My goal for 2011, is to avoiding being stubborn, not try to solve problems by myself, not go out and look for Love, when things go bad/or right to thank my Lord! I want to put all of my Trust in Him! Whether I do this by learning to be patient, learn to fall in Love with God first, all I know is that I want to Trust God with my life, cause I know that I cannot Trust myself with it!

Just know that your Lord Loves you and whatever your hurt my be, He is going to take care of all your needs good and bad! My goal/resolution should not be for me alone, this should be for all Christians worldwide, because there is a song that clears this up pretty well:
I'm trading my sorrows
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord
I'm trading my sickness

I'm trading my pain
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

Yes Lord, Yes Lord, yes yes Lord

Yes, Lord, Yes Lord, yes yes Lord Amen!

I am pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned struck down but not destroyed I am pressed beyond the curse his promise we'll endure his joy going to be my strength
though the sorrow may last for the night but joy comes with the morning

There is a part of this song that I couldn't find, probably because it is a spoken part, but Israel Houghton says: "Joy comes in the morning, morning is not necessarily what has an A.M. next to it, morning happens when you Wake Up!"  I want to add my own part to this as well, Morning has an alternate spelling MOURNING! I believe some of our Best Joy comes when we are crying, alone, sad, depressed... and realize that we are not alone, that the Lord is with us! So Trade it all, cause even though you may not have the JOY! Your Lord has plenty to go around!!!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6
Once and for always its JUST ME AND MY GOD!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the footprints poem. It's hanging above my bed at school.
