Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lord, Help! I keep pressing Life's easy button, and your not coming.... oh thats right life doesn't have one!!!

First off I like the Staples Easy Button, and I wish LIFE came with one, cause this would be so much easier, so for whoever reads this, there is a female in my life (not dating) but I'm truly having a hard time with trusting that God will provide, and she is totally seeking out for God's will for this, which is super attractive... and I digress, but this is my prayer, for the situation and like last time I ask that you would pray for me as well, not that God blesses me with this beautiful woman, but that I trust Him, and stop doubting Him, and the situation. And further down I asked that whoever reads this if they feel at led they'll give me a call, and say I'm thinking about you, and give me someone to chat with, to help take my mind off of this. Thanks all for stopping bye...

Lord, I feel like these prayers are going to start sounding more and more selfish, Lord, and you know that my intentions are not too be. Lord give me PEACE, give me REST and RELAXATION, slow down my THOUGHTS of NEGATIVITY, and DOUBT. Lord just help me to TRUST YOU! Lord, you know the situation, on both sides, Lord, you have a plan for me, a wonderful and perfect plan for me, Lord help me to trust you with my life... No more trying to hold on, Lord, I'm surrendering everything, it all my life, my relationships with friends with a woman, surrendering my future, IT ALL!!!  I ask that you take what's been on my mind and wrap it up in your love and grace, (along with me) but Lord, I'm tired of losing sleep, and thoughts of doubt, if you told me you got this... then why am I doubting what you can do!

Lord be with me these next few days, help the feelings of loneliness stay out of my life, Lord and I ask that you put me in the minds of my friends and they call me to just check in and see how I'm doing... Cause I'm struggling, and hurting, pretty tired, mentally and physically exhausted. Not going to bed till after 2, 3 or 4 for this past week has not been good to my body, and waking up days like today to go running at 8:30 doesn't allow for much sleep. Ah Lord! She is always on my mind, Lord help me to forget (forget me not's) and by forget, I don't mean about her, I just mean help me forget the doubting, forget the mistrust, forget ALL the negativity. Lord you got this, you got this, you got this, you got this, you got this, you got this, you got this... So help me to stop freaking out, and doubting what your going to do and say!!!

Lord , help me to continue on the path that you have placed me on, this wild adventure, this battle, Lord help me to push forward, Constantly Chasing After You! Lord, and if you want her to be apart of my journey with you, and my adventure as a man, well She is more than welcome, but it has to be your desire, and your will, not our own (her's or mine)! Lord, you know all of my heart's desires... I ask that you reveal them to me, in your time, and whomever you desire in my life! Its yours, I'M SURRENDERING THIS TO YOU! Let your will be down, just let no hurt or bitterness come out of your will, by me, help me to understand your will, and trust that you will provide... All smiles right now Lord, keep this peace, until a decision has been handed down, from you to her and me, Lord then we will know whether its what you want, or not! Oh Lord, please let this be what you want for me! (Selfish? I know, my bad)! You Got This, and I believe that....

Until Next Time, Its Just Me and My God! and God You Got Me and This!

Love your humbled, not worthy, child, and servant, Matthew.

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