Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The question that may be the hardest to truthfully answer is, "How can I pray for you?" 

The question digs deep, it pokes and prods its way into the darkest crevasses of my life! So the help I want to ask for, just turns into uh hmm... how about, my walk with Christ, or my relationship struggles, or family issues, or whatever will answer that question the fastest! 

Well recently I have been praying for CONSISTENCY, (i.e. the title of this blog post) and with CONSISTENCY comes a whole separate "to-do list" of prayers... Prayer requests that I am too ashamed or embarrassed to mention, prayer requests that dwells in the deep, dark crevasses of my life, that not too many people like to venture in too! 

I have been meeting weekly with my pastor, to basically have a mentor, accountability, a friend that is hours away that I can sit and have a Godly conversation with. It has been nothing but positive for me, and as for leaving ENC, a safe haven, I was lost, I missed my friends, people I could be accountable with, daily! Well unfortunately its easier to be accountable with people that are there in person, as opposed to in spirit, and I have not had the people in my life, that I need to be there! And this blog, at least for me, has been a way for me to vent, to share, to be accountable with! As James 5:16 states:

 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"

Well lets be accountable then, God... Since God already knows what I am truly struggling with and I know what I am struggling with I think my accountability partners are those around me, those who will read this, and pray that Jesus' powerful name will PROTECT me from the dastardly, malicious, evil that surrounds my daily life! 

1. I have been struggling with my daily Scripture reading, it is virtually in-existent
2. My prayer life (clearly) is absent
3. My free time is spent, roaming the places on the internet, that leave me empty, and wanting more! 
4. My lack of close by Christian friends 
5. My struggling with finances (school loans, car payments, car insurance, etc...)
6. Family issues
7. Depression - which tends to lead to point 3 

So to you all who ask that deep penetrating question, of "How can I pray for you today?" There you go! Pray for 1-7, and be CONSISTENT with me! 

Thank you God for the people in my life that will read this, that will pray for me, who will be CONSISTENT in my life, who will be ACCOUNTABLE with me and will not be judgmental of the sins that I commit!